Thursday, July 15, 2010

Schools Matter: Bill, Joel at Aspen Gathering

Schools Matter: Bill, Joel at Aspen Gathering:

Bill, Joel at Aspen Gathering

The teachers that cheered Randi and booed protesters during Bill's introduction/presentation at the recent AFT conference haven't the slightest clue about how the billionaire views the future of public education. Sure, sure - he'll praise teachers and claim to want to work with them, but he'll then turn around and show up at events like Aspen Institute gatherings to push policies that are anti-student, anti-teacher, and anti-public school. Pensions for teachers? Nah. Adequate funding for education? Nope. Lots of charters, temp teachers looking to boost their resume, and layoffs of thousands of career teachers? Yep.

What, exactly, are you cheering for, AFT folks? This man? You've got to be kidding. But you're not, and that's highly concerning. You'll get what you ask for, and what your asking for is a crappy education system, poor working conditions, and no economic/job security.

Getting Schooled in Aspen

Bill Gates attacks "fraudulent" accounting that hides the cost of teacher pensions.