Thursday, July 1, 2010

Sacramento Press / Veteran teacher hosts Wake for Public Education

Sacramento Press / Veteran teacher hosts Wake for Public Education

Veteran teacher hosts Wake for Public Education

Close to 60 people converged on a home in the River Park neighborhood of East Sacramento Tuesday evening to mourn the reductions in the public education budget in the Sacramento area and to discuss what can be done to prevent further cuts.
Educators, students, parents, political figures and concerned members of the public were all in attendance to listen to speakers, hear poetry and voice their concerns and opinions on the state of education in the community.
The wake was hosted by Jim Harper, a teacher of American government and history at Laguna Creek High School and an occasional instructor at California State University, Sacramento. Harper has been teaching for 23 years and was involved with education at the state level prior to that. He said he has seen the cuts in education firsthand and wanted to do something about it.
"I'm not just going to go home for the summer and be on vacation," Harper said of his idea to have the wake.
In an interview after the wake, Harper said he thinks there needs to be three elements to promise a better future