Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Remainders: New York signs on to common standards | GothamSchools

Remainders: New York signs on to common standards | GothamSchools

Remainders: New York signs on to common standards

  • New York has quietly adopted “common core” aka national standards. (Curriculum Matters)
  • New research finds black males are more likely to get a rookie high school teacher. (EdWeek)
  • Voices against national standards worry about routinization, lack of rigor. (Room for Debate)
  • Those in favor say debate can lead to consensus and poor kids will win. (Room for Debate)
  • Al Shanker is no longer with us, but now his namesake institute has a blog. (Shanker Blog)
  • Shifting leadership helped a “principal from hell” go unnoticed. (GothamSchools)
  • The new leader at the Chicago teachers union is cleaning house — and hiring up. (District 299)
  • The teachers’ contract isn’t the problem; state legislation is. (Education Next via Rick Hess)
  • The school that canceled prom when a same-sex couple tried to go lost its court case. (Daily News)
  • The “Drunken Pirate” case of a teaching license denied due to Facebook is historic. (New York Times)