Thursday, July 1, 2010

R2T caught in D.C. budget fight | EdNewsColorado

R2T caught in D.C. budget fight | EdNewsColorado

R2T caught in D.C. budget fight

Colorado’s $175 million Race to the Top bid could be affected by a proposal that would divert money from R2T and two other education stimulus programs into a fund to save teacher jobs.

Rep. David Obey, D-Wisc., wants to use $800 million in previously budgeted reform money to help pay for a $10 billion Education Jobs Fund, which would be distributed to states to blunt the impact of teacher job losses caused by budget cuts. Obey is chair of the House Appropriations Committee.

Colorado Rep. Jared Polis, D-2nd District, and seven other House members sent a letter to Obey Thursday, asking him to withdraw the plan.

“We are deeply troubled by the proposed $800 million cuts to three critical education reform programs: $100 million from the Charter Schools Program, $200 million from the Teacher Incentive Fund and $500 million from Race to the Top,” the letter said.

“By setting the bar very high and challenging education communities across the nation to come together in pursuit of our common goal for improving public schools, Race to the Top has already led to major progress that