Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Modern Novels Not Dead, Just Boring | The Atlantic Wire

Modern Novels Not Dead, Just Boring | The Atlantic Wire

Modern Novels Not Dead, Just Boring

Modern Novels Not Dead, Just BoringLet Ideas Compete/Flickr under a CC license

Sure, Twilight may be all the rage, but most modern novels don't reach nearly that level of success, and for good reason: they're too weighty and dull, argues The Telegraph's Harry Mount. "There just aren't enough enjoyable ones around," Mount explains. "It's as if, to be taken seriously, you've got to be at least a bit boring." He's got a very interesting argument for why that's so:

Too much respect for the novel is part of the problem. In an age of literary festivals in every provincial town, and writing courses at every red-brick university, everyone is encouraged to be a writer, and writing is considered a sacred art. Well, if everyone writes,