Saturday, July 24, 2010

Michael O'Neill launches nonprofit to raise money for successful Phila. schools | Philadelphia Inquirer | 07/23/2010

Michael O'Neill launches nonprofit to raise money for successful Phila. schools | Philadelphia Inquirer | 07/23/2010

Michael O'Neill launches nonprofit to raise money for successful Phila. schools

A businessman with a track record of aiding Catholic schools is launching a nonprofit aimed at raising at least $100 million in private funds to support all quality schools in Philadelphia, whether public, charter, Catholic, or private.
Michael O'Neill, who has also helped charters, said his newest project would support success. "My goal is better education for kids," he said.
"A seat that's producing a graduate is a successful seat," O'Neill said. "One which is not producing a graduate is not."
The initiative, the Philadelphia Schools Project, and its broad outlines were introduced to educators and philanthropists in June. A public launch is planned for mid-September, when it will be called the Philadelphia Schools Partnership.
While many who heard the proposal say they need more details before they can commit, the concept has intrigued others, including the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and representatives of Mayor Nutter. The school district remains noncommittal.
Scott Gordon, founder and chief executive officer of Mastery Charter Schools, praised O'Neill's "bold vision" for "getting folks who care about education in Philadelphia together and trying to raise a large amount of money for what works."
The project also seeks to speed the pace of change in the district. Proponents said the initiative could lead to

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