Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Governance Structure Of City Schools Questioned | KPBS.org

Governance Structure Of City Schools Questioned | KPBS.org

Governance Structure Of City Schools Questioned

MAUREEN CAVANAUGH (Host): I'm Maureen Cavanaugh, and you're listening to These Days on KPBS. As San Diego Unified School District embarks on a new management style from the grass roots up, one group claims the problems with the district can be found at the top. Calling the district a failing system, the group called San Diegans 4 Great Schools points to the school board structure as part of the reason test scores are lagging for many of the district's students. I’d like to welcome my guest. Scott Himelstein is director of the Center for Education Policy and Law at USD, and one of the organizers of San Diegans 4 Great Schools. And, Scott, welcome. Thanks for coming in.

SCOTT HIMELSTEIN (Organizer, San Diegans 4 Great Schools): Good morning, Maureen. Nice to be here.

CAVANAUGH: What was San Diegans 4 Great Schools, why were they established?

HIMELSTEIN: Well, I think once we took a look at the results of the study, we saw a sustained