Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Educated Guess � Proposal to revoke Decile 1 charter schools

The Educated Guess � Proposal to revoke Decile 1 charter schools

Proposal to revoke Decile 1 charter schools

Posted in Charters
At its monthly meeting today and tomorrow, the State Board of Education will consider new regulations enabling it to shut down poorly performing charter schools.
Under pressure to weed out bad charters, the board has been looking various proposals for months. The latest proposal would be the simplest and clearest: Charter schools whose state API scores the previous year ranked in the bottom 10 percent and that fell in the bottom 20 percent in the similar schools ranking would automatically have their charter at least reviewed, if not yanked, by the State Board.

Quest for compromise on common core

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Common Core standards
In a letter to Gov. Schwarzenegger that it disseminated in the days leading to a critical vote, an influential group of K-12 and university educators, researchers and policymakers has urged the adoption of the Common Core standards in English language arts and math.
“We believe that the Common Core Standards represent the next crucial step in ensuring California’s education system once again leads the way in quality and rigor,” Jennifer O’Day wrote on behalf of the California Collaborative on District Reform.
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