Thursday, July 1, 2010

Does the Constitution protect invocations at Saddleback College? | California Watch

Does the Constitution protect invocations at Saddleback College? | California Watch

Does the Constitution protect invocations at Saddleback College?

Americans United for Separation of Church and State sued the South Orange County Community College District last fall over official prayers at public ceremonies. The lawsuit, filed in federal court on behalf of some faculty members and students, contends that officials at Saddleback College routinely opened commencement ceremonies, scholarship events and convocation speeches with Christian invocations.
California Watch got wind of a YouTube video that shows Saddleback College President Donald Wagner opening a May 2008 scholarship ceremony with prayer – and a bit of mocking – after he had received pleas from some faculty to stop the invocations. The video has been posted on several blogs, including one written by Roy Bauer, a professor at Irvine Valley College and a plaintiff in the case.

Federal website aims to cut back on improper payments

Last year, the federal government identified $110 billion in improper payments. The money went to the wrong person, was paid at the wrong time, wasn't the right amount or went to someone that wasn't entitled or eligible to receive the money. shows "the rates and amounts of improper payments for each agency, the targets each agency has set for reducing and recovering improper payments, and the names of the designated accountable