Saturday, July 17, 2010

Democurmudgeon: Sandwich Board Jobs the Latest Rage Again? Next College Degree?

by John Peterson. A liberal journey into the depths of conservative deception and Republican failures...coming soon: Consumer real estate news

Democurmudgeon: Sandwich Board Jobs the Latest Rage Again? Next College Degree?

Sandwich Board Jobs the Latest Rage Again? Next College Degree?

In what might become the American job of the future, curbside sign carriers may be the work force standard in the 21st century.

Wisconsin State Journal: In an attempt to cut through the advertising clutter, and sometimes with a bit of recession-related desperation thrown in, more businesses are sending employees to the curb with hand-held signs to attract customers. Deborah Mitchell, executive director of the Center for Brand and Product Development at UW-Madison, said it's "definitely a trend" and attributes it to businesses