Friday, July 16, 2010

California OKs 'bad' schools list for transfers

California OKs 'bad' schools list for transfers

California OKs 'bad' schools list for transfers

Friday, July 16, 2010
The state Board of Education put a stamp of approval Thursday on a list of 1,000 schools deemed so bad that parents will have the right to transfer their children to a better school in their district or any other district - this school year.
The list fulfills a new state law passed in January requiring districts to provide parents an easier way out of the state's worst schools.
But the list is likely to leave many parents scratching their heads.
That's because not all of the 1,000 schools on the bad schools list are bad. In fact, several are actually pretty good.
The new law left state officials little wiggle room in creating the list. No one district can have more than 10 percent of their schools on the list. As a result, schools that perform at a higher level had to be added to get to the mandatory number.
On the list: Fremont's Grimmer Elementary School, with above-average test scores and

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