Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Adjunct Voice: Join the United Adjunct Faculty Association at EWU Picket July 13th!

The Adjunct Voice: Join the United Adjunct Faculty Association at EWU Picket July 13th!

Join the United Adjunct Faculty Association at EWU Picket July 13th!

The adjunct faculty of East-West University in Chicago received notice on May 25, 2010 that they should "no longer consider themselves employed," one day after they had filed a petition for NEA/IEA union representation. This illegal firing must not be allowed to stand, as it threatens the right of all adjuncts to exercise their legal rights to organize in unions and collectively bargain.

The illegally-fired adjunct faculty of East-West University in Chicago need our support on Tuesday, July 13th, as they picket a