Tuesday, June 22, 2010

This Week In Education: Reform: Ravitch Critique Lacks Humility, Political Savvy

This Week In Education: Reform: Ravitch Critique Lacks Humility, Political Savvy

Reform: Ravitch Critique Lacks Humility, Political Savvy

image from farm3.static.flickr.comFor a long time I was focused on how Diane Ravitch -- whom I like and admire -- had switched sides without anyone noticing until her book came out. It just amazed me that her positions had evolved so dramatically but no one noticed until book time, and frankly made me sort of skeptical about her changed views. (Ditto for Ravitch's seeming lack of sufficient humility about having been so "wrong" for so long. Now all of a sudden she was right and everyone else was wrong.) These days, I'm mostly focused on the striking lack of political thinking Ravitch is showing. Maybe that was never her strong suit, but in article after article (see this Q and A with Valerie Strauss) she seems to think that some sort of light switch is going to to go off if she keeps saying the same thing over and over again. Who knows - she may be right. But it would be a lot more helpful -- and persuasive -- to me if

AM News: KIPP Works (Says KIPP-Sponsored Study)

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