Wednesday, June 2, 2010

This Week In Education: Privates: Death At Dalton

This Week In Education: Privates: Death At Dalton

Privates: Death At Dalton

image from tony New York City private school Dalton cover up the circumstances surrounding the suicide of one of its most gifted (and troubled) students New York magazine examines the short troubled life of the student who died last year and the hurricane of confusion and grief that followed.
"His billionaire father had lost all his money in the stock market, someone said. He had applied to Harvard and not gotten in. He was on drugs or, because he was a fierce three-season athlete, on steroids. He was tortured by a secret gay life. He jumped because he was disturbed, and the proof of his being disturbed was that he jumped...But more frightening than any of that being true was the likelihood that none of it was."
Check it out here

Pictures: The Most-Filmed Lecture Hall In America

image from
The most famous postsecondary classroom in movie history, according to the Times. I wonder what the K12 version looks like?