Tuesday, June 1, 2010

This Week In Education: Media: Make That Three "Reformy" Pieces In The Times

This Week In Education: Media: Make That Three "Reformy" Pieces In The Times

Media: Make That Three "Reformy" Pieces In The Times

image from www.mftrainingcenter.comWhile other news outlets (WSJ, AP) have (finally) moved on to covering the disappointment surrounding Race To The Top and questions surrounding its size and effectiveness, the NYT's Sam Dillon brings up the rear with a strangely unbalanced, outdated look at the "flood" of states that have changed their laws over the past few months. The story's slant is emphasized by the slew of characters (Schnur, Daly, Johnston) given top billing. In addition, Dillon's piece also fails to note that states change their education laws all the time, pretty much every year, for reasons that have