Thursday, June 17, 2010

This Week In Education Graduation: Nearly 80K Heading To Military

This Week In Education

Graduation: Nearly 80K Heading To Military

Green-graduation"In a country that has been at war for nearly nine years, principals and students at highly regarded suburban schools say that interest has been growing in the military — and not

Budgets: "Lay Us Off And The Kids Will Die"

Picture 10That's the message from some public employee groups fighting against looming budget cuts, according to this USA Today story and the accompanying photo (from

Class Size: Impact Of Layoffs Smaller Than You Might Think

340x_cigar61210"300,000 teacher layoffs would increase the national student-teacher ratio in public schools from 15.3 to 1, to 16.6 to 1 – roughly where it was in 1997... 100,000 teacher layoffs would increase it to 15.6 to 1 – the 2005 level.