Monday, June 21, 2010

This Week In Education AM News: Boston Agrees On Underperforming Schools

This Week In Education

AM News: Boston Agrees On Underperforming Schools

6a00e54f8c25c988340133ef5f8fd8970b-200wiTeachers, city reach extra-hour agreement Boston Globe: Boston school officials announced yesterday that they had reached a tentative agreement with the teachers’ union on a plan to overhaul the city’s 12 underperforming schools, in a new state negotiating process that attempted to resolve a divisive battle over compensating teachers for working extra hours... Schools Struggle Over How to Teach Severely Disabled People NYT: There are 132,000 such students in the United States, out of more than 6.5 million now receiving some kind of special education service at an estimated cost of $74 billion a year... Schools struggle to meet new race labeling rules AP: Washington school districts are struggling with a new federal requirement to gather more specific information on the ethnicity of their students, a policy that encourages officials to guess when parents don't supply race information. MORE BELOW

Prince George's bans student cellphone use during school day Washington Post: That silent, studious classroom? Looks can deceive, say Prince George's County educators, who have fired the latest volley in a technological arms race that pits student against teacher... Schools merger rebuffed Boston Globe: Cohasset has rejected Hull’s proposal for a marriage between the two towns’ school systems, but has left open the possibility for a less binding relationship — such as combining some of their purchasing power... Detroit school board chief resigns amid complaint AP: Detroit's school board is refusing to reinstate its former president after he was accused of fondling himself in front of the district's superintendent.... 'Hip Hop High' charter school in its closing days LA Times: Hawthorne's Academy for Recording Arts, known for giving troubled students access to a recording studio, shuts Thursday. Neither its online curriculum nor its teacher-led classes could save it...Microsoft 'School of the Future' in Philly finally in a groove? USA Today: When the Microsoft-designed School of the Future opened, the facility was a paragon of contemporary architecture, with a green roof, light-filled ...