Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Schools Matter: Public Charter School Dollars and Turkish Political Conversions

Schools Matter: Public Charter School Dollars and Turkish Political Conversions

Public Charter School Dollars and Turkish Political Conversions

Did you think KIPP was the largest charter chain in the U.S. with its 82 schools? Think again. It seems that charter schools are not just for corporate indoctrination and happiness training of poor children, anymore.

Sharon Higgins has been doing some digging on a confederation of charters in a bunch of states that are making test score headlines while doing political conversion work among tens of thousands of schoolchildren. Read Sharon's piece. Any reporters out there at the EWA interested in something other than press releases from Arne Duncan? A clip:
. . . .From an article in The Irish Times (January 2010) about Gülen schools in Ethiopia which quotes Hakan Yavuz, a Turkish professor who co-edited a book on the Gulen phenomenon and describes the movement as the "most powerful force in Turkey." He says its main goal has been the "Islamisation" of Turkish society:

Yavuz argues that there is a wider agenda as manifested by its increasingly global