Wednesday, June 23, 2010

School Tech Connect: Common Core Will Lead To Communism!

School Tech Connect: Common Core Will Lead To Communism!:

Common Core Will Lead To Communism!

(note: title contains satire)
These are the four dumbest objections to the Common Core that I can think of. Oh look-- they're from Heritage. It's always a little disconcerting to find out you have basically the same net position as Heritage.

I think it's fine to adopt a set of standards if that's what you want to do; I just think the Common Core Standards are a red herring. The problems that children in poverty face will not be helped by shinier standards in the slightest. And they will lead to an awful lot of money being spent on shiny new tests instead of on books that poor kids can access. And tests scores will continue to be waved around like pom poms by every Tom, Dick,