Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Perimeter Primate: My charter school research & the G�len Movement

The Perimeter Primate: My charter school research & the G�len Movement

My charter school research & the Gülen Movement

I've been researching charter schools which appear to be part of a national network of schools predominantly (or entirely) run by Turkish scientists which may appear to be linked to the Gülen Movement. More investigation is needed; 60 Minutes where are you? Extracurricular activities at the schools seem to frequently involve Turkish clubs, involvement at Turkish competitions, and student and parent trips to Turkey.

Because I wanted to make this information immediately available to a wider set of readers, this item has been re-posted from the original at my recently launched blog "Charter Schools Scandals."

There is definitely more to come, as I have already started looking into the Texas schools and their EMO,Harmony Public Schools which is operated by the Cosmos Foundation.