Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Exactly how many shares of BP does the Gates Fund really own?

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Exactly how many shares of BP does the Gates Fund really own?

Exactly how many shares of BP does the Gates Fund really own?

H/t to commenter David C. for telling me that I badly understated the BP stock holdings of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation which I reported first as 4 million

Bloomberg's N.Y. charters still excluding Latino & ELL students

Tuesday's New York Times reports that Bloomberg's privately-managed charter schools in N.Y. greatly under-enroll Latino and Spanish-speaking immigrant students.
Charter schools have proportionately fewer Hispanic students — as well as fewer students learning English, regardless of their ethnicity — than nearby schools, including schools that share the same building.

That's not big news. The news is that the equity gap between charters and