Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Media Advisories | U.S. Department of Education

Media Advisories | U.S. Department of Education

Media Advisories
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JUNE 30, 2010

Secretary Duncan to Deliver Keynote Speech, Participate in Panel Discussion for Role of Service in Remaking American Education Forum

U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan will deliver the keynote speech and participate in a panel discussion for The Role of Service in Remaking American Education forum on Wednesday, June 30 in New York City. The forum will address how service partnerships between community-based organizations and schools can foster education reform and achieve greater results for children.
JUNE 30, 2010

U.S. Education Department Officials to Hold Tribal Consultation in Window Rock, Arizona; will Gather Feedback on Education Matters Affecting American Indians

Charlie Rose, U.S. Department of Education’s general counsel, and Kevin Jennings, Department assistant deputy secretary, will consult with tribal officials Wednesday to gather feedback on education matters affecting American Indians.
JUNE 30, 2010

Department Official to Give Remarks at 2010 National Charter Schools Conference in Chicago

Jim Shelton, assistant deputy secretary for the Office of Innovation and Improvement (OII), will give remarks the National Charter Schools Conference in Chicago Wednesday, June 30.