Thursday, June 10, 2010

Federal Teacher Legislation with Legs? - Teacher Beat - Education Week

Federal Teacher Legislation with Legs? - Teacher Beat - Education Week

Federal Teacher Legislation with Legs?

Yesterday's post on the as-yet-unseen Bennet teacher bill got me thinking a bit about what other pieces of teacher legislation could be candidates for inclusion in a revised Elementary and Secondary Education Act draft. Here are a few proposals that might have legs.
• In what is, to my knowledge, the first actual bill to propose addressing the Title I comparability 'loophole,' Rep. Chaka Fattah, D-Pa., has introduced the ESEA Fiscal Fairness Act. One provision of note specifies that this change does not endorse or require the forced transfer of teachers, one of the concerns of teachers' unions. This bill could still be a tough sell on the Hill, but a bunch of groups have lined up in favor of it.
• Three senators introduced a bill to overhaul professional-development spending in the ESEA. Rep. Carolyn