Friday, June 18, 2010

The end is nigh… | Reflections on Teaching

The end is nigh… | Reflections on Teaching

The end is nigh…

It’s been a long, and pretty crazy school year. I know it’s not in my usual style, but I’d rather not reflect on what went right or wrong. I’ve had a lot of time to second guess myself to the level of being it being crazy-making over the last three months (earlier if truth be told). Since it now appears I do have some rough notion of what next year will bring professionally, I’d rather look forward. I may live to regret this later, but I think further “reflection” now would just be worrying about things that I can’t change now, which were based largely on things I couldn’t control then (getting sick for so long, administrative chaos, etc.) I’m sure as things go forward and I’m working on what to do next year, I will think about how I did specific things this year, and what improvements can be made,