Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Eduflack: Father, father, father ...

Eduflack: Father, father, father ...

Father, father, father ...

In our nation's capital yesterday, President Barack Obama reissued his call to get fathers more involved in their children's lives. Calling for "responsible fatherhood," the President noted that fathers (Eduflack included) need to be part of their kids' lives "not just with words, but with deeds."

USA Today's Greg Toppo has the full story on the event here. What's most interesting are the stats that Toppo offers up from the U.S. Census. About one in three children lived away from their biological fathers last year, and that number leaps to almost two in three (64 percent) for African-American children.

Why is this an issue for Eduflack? Allow me to get on my soapbox for a moment. If we are serious about improving our public schools, particularly for historically disadvantaged students, we need to better engage in the

Around the Edu-Horn, June 22, 2010

ASU is offering online certificate program in Web-based teaching http://sbne.ws/r/4Z5o (from ASCD)

NBPTS wins Gates $$ to "measure effective teaching" --http://tinyurl.com/2bfahsy

RT @douglevin Huge number of i3 Applications received involve #edtech | data.ed.gov http://ht.ly/21KY0

Is cheerleading a sport (for Title IX purposes)?http://tinyurl.com/23b5z2b

KIPP "isn't gaming system" on student gains --http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/metropolitan/7067226.html