Monday, June 14, 2010

The Educated Reporter: How important is college acceptance as a metric?

The Educated Reporter: How important is college acceptance as a metric?

How important is college acceptance as a metric?

A lot of schools crow that [insert number above 90 here] percent of their students were accepted at a four-year college. Getting accepted to college is definitely one step better than just graduating high school, unless we are talking about open admissions schools, in which case an acceptance letter is no greater signifier than a diploma (unless it is paired with a completed FAFSA and registration for the fall semester).

I assume that some places that use acceptance as a milestone have internal research showing whether their students actually matriculate and succeed in college. I hear the data coming back is not always great. It is good


Oh, my life has changed, for the better. Not because my son, who turned two this weekend, has started using the potty and making me sing “Happy Birthday to Sunscreen” and asking “why” questions, all of which are awesome ... but because I learned about Readability. I hate clicking through endless pages of a long article, and I hate the ugly and awkward single-page “print” option too. Set your preferences on Readability, drag it to your