Thursday, June 3, 2010

Denied: One-third of kids don't friend their parents on Facebook | School Zone | - Houston Chronicle

Denied: One-third of kids don't friend their parents on Facebook | School Zone | - Houston Chronicle

Denied: One-third of kids don't friend their parents on Facebook

A recent new Kaplan Test Prep and Admissions survey of nearly 1,000 high school students shows that 56 percent of kids whose parents are on Facebook provide their parents full access to their Facebook pages -- status updates, photos, etc. About 34 percent provide no access at all. And 9 percent allowed parents limited profile access.
About 58 percent of teens reported that their parents are not on Facebook at all. Moms are more likely than dads to have taken the plunge at 35 percent and 27 percent, respectively.
I can't say that I blame teens for denying access. I'm just grateful that this technology wasn't around when I was younger . ... What do you think? Are you FB friends with your child? If so, how much snooping and worrying do you do about their posts, photos and friends, etc.?
If you've been denied, don't