Friday, June 25, 2010

Democurmudgeon: Pro School Privatization Candidates Ownership of Taxpayer funded Voucher and Charter Schools gets Media Yawn.

Democurmudgeon: Pro School Privatization Candidates Ownership of Taxpayer funded Voucher and Charter Schools gets Media Yawn.

Pro School Privatization Candidates Ownership of Taxpayer funded Voucher and Charter Schools gets Media Yawn.

What is it about our current crop of politicians pushing an agenda that would essentially pad their own pockets with taxpayer dollars. It's all being done without any news media astonishment? I wasn't going to make a big deal about it, but maybe someone should. Take gubernatorial candidate Mark Neumann:
Neumann Wants To Get Rid Of Teacher Certification: Republican gubernatorial
candidate Mark Neumann is proposing to get rid of state certification for teachers … also is
proposing a series of incentives that will encourage private schools and public charter schools to compete with and replace failing public schools. "(I want ) representatives from all