Sunday, June 6, 2010

Assemblymembers Block, V.M. Perez Discuss Higher Education’s Critical Role in California’s Economy | California Progress Report

Assemblymembers Block, V.M. Perez Discuss Higher Education’s Critical Role in California’s Economy | California Progress Report

Assemblymembers Block, V.M. Pérez Discuss Higher Education’s Critical Role in California’s Economy

By Assemblymembers Marty Block and Manuel Perez
SACRAMENTO – In this Democratic weekly address, Assemblymember Marty Block (D-San Diego), Chair of the Assembly Committee on Higher Education, and Assemblymember V. Manuel Pérez (D-Coachella) discuss why protecting higher education is critical as California moves to close its budget deficit. In addition to protecting higher education funding, they highlight the importance of expanding community college job training programs and Cal Grants that provide more Californians with educational opportunities.
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