Monday, June 28, 2010

Adobe Education Exchange - resources galore | ZDNet

Adobe Education Exchange - resources galore | ZDNet

Adobe Education Exchange - resources galore

By Christopher Dawson | June 28, 2010, 11:10am PDT


Adobe’s new Education Exchange is set to become an important destination for anyone looking to really explore the company’s tools in the classroom.

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Christopher Dawson

I think that I’m probably the only Ed Tech guy on the planet who’s not atISTE right now. If this weren’t a somewhat professional blog, I’d make a sad emoticon. Oh well. Duty calls elsewhere this year. That doesn’t mean that I can’t cover some great highlights, though. The first is Adobe’s formal launch of its Education Exchange site, a real windfall for educators looking to get the most out of Adobe software.

It’s pretty rare that I recommend too much in the way of expensive software. Adobe CS5 is an exception to the rule. When I reviewed itfrom an educational perspective a few months ago, I was so blown away by its features that I immediately began dreaming up ways that it could be used in the classroom, whether in technical education, comprehensive schools, or universities. I started thinking of what teachers could do to create more interesting and engaging content and suddenly I realized just how little I actually knew about the inner workings of Adobe’s leviathan of content creation suites.

Sure, I could make my way around and I could go through the help files, figuring out snazzy ways to use Photoshop or how to create really sharp video in Premiere Pro (which makes iMovie look just silly, by the way). But I was only scratching the surface. And, frankly, I was still thinking more like a geeky content creator rather than an educator. Enter the