Thursday, June 10, 2010

99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall | Intercepts

99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall | Intercepts

99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall

While House Democrats investigate clever new ways to come up with $23 billion for the edujobs bill, we see the 300,000 teacher layoffs (according to Arne Duncan) are being whittled down in school districts across the country – sometimes with the help of concessions from local teachers’ unions, sometimes without. Here are headlines and stories I’ve come across in my normal news gathering in the last few days, without even trying:
* ”Statewide, about 20,000 teachers were on layoff lists last month, said Mike Myslinski, a spokesman for the California Teachers Association. More than 26,000 teachers in California received preliminary pink slips in March, but about 6,000 of those were later rescinded, he