Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Washington Teacher: Breaking News: Rhee To Hire 600 Teachers While Making Cuts To DCPS Staff

The Washington Teacher: Breaking News: Rhee To Hire 600 Teachers While Making Cuts To DCPS Staff

Breaking News: Rhee To Hire 600 Teachers While Making Cuts To DCPS Staff

Breaking News

An inside source reports that DCPS principals were advised recently in a principals meeting that the Rhee administration plans to hire 600 new teachers for school year 2010-2011. As late as last week Chancellor Rhee appeared on the Kojo Nambi radio show with hosts Tom Sherwood and Mike Debonis. At that time Rhee indicated that 400 teachers would be hired in the fall. So it seems this number has risen in less than a week's time. It is also not coincidental that George Parker, WTU president indicated back in March 2010 before WTU Representative Assembly members in a meeting that Rhee planned to fire 15% of WTU members through the IMPACT evaluation process in July 2010 . Roughly 15% of WTU membership equals 600 teachers/school personnel. That would mean that 600 teachers could be expected to be fired this summer. The million dollar question is how did Rhee know in March that she planned to fire 15% of our teachers through the IMPACT evaluation given that the process has yet to be completed ? Will the 600 teachers fired through IMPACT be