Monday, May 24, 2010

WaPo’s Strauss fact checks the NY Times Mag and Brill’s “last stand.” � Fred Klonsky's blog

WaPo’s Strauss fact checks the NY Times Mag and Brill’s “last stand.” � Fred Klonsky's blog

WaPo’s Strauss fact checks the NY Times Mag and Brill’s “last stand.”

The Reformers (“Reformers,” the “de-reformers,” the “so-called reformers”) went all dewy-eyed over Steven Brill’s less than brilliant anti-union hackery in Sunday’s NY Times Magazine.
But the ever-vigilant Washington Post Answer Sheet columnist, Valerie Strauss was fact checking. Gosh. A reporter doing fact checking. A hell of a concept.

The truth may not be as compelling, but it has the virtue of being, well, true. Some charter schools are excellent and work wonders with kids. Some do an average job, and some are awful. There is no evidence that charter schools are