Friday, May 7, 2010

UTLA - LAUSD Not So Lite -

UTLA - LAUSD Not So Lite -

UTLA = LAUSD Not So Lite

UTLA gives credibility to LAUSD by making the advocacy process look real when in really isn't. When UTLA gets a complaint from a member and files a grievance, they treat it as if they have never had a complaint like this before. When in reality, they might have had or presently have the same kind of complaint against the same principal who is doing the same thing to another teacher- they just will not share that information with you.

In continuing to suffer the harassment and assault coming from LAUSD in the form of endless disciplinary hearings and suspension piled onto suspension with no good faith belief as to their veracity, I wondered why it was that administrators at LAUSD have absolutely no fear for their clear bad faith and possibly criminal actions to violate the rights of their teacher employees.

In recent posts, we have talked about the immunity LAUSD administration thinks that Government Code section 821.6 bestows upon them- something that I think is probably not true if you ever get into a real legal process. And then of course, there is the deep pockets of LAUSD to hire the biggest and baddest law firms in California in lieu of their own mediocre in house legal staff to assure that anybody with the temerity to go after them for their continuing crimes will be tied up in litigation long after Superintendent Ramon Cortines has moved on to the next reality or at the very least his next urban school district.

The piece of the puzzle that I would like to specifically address today with this post is the role of UTLA plays in strengthening LAUSD administration's hubris vis a vis its teachers and all who pay close to $60 a month for UTLA to supposedly advocate on their behalf. In past posts we have pointed out that like LAUSD leadership, UTLA's is highly compensated officers and staff are never going back into a classroom, which gives them the