Thursday, May 13, 2010

UC Berkeley grad ceremony boycott criticized

UC Berkeley grad ceremony boycott criticized

UC Berkeley grad ceremony boycott criticized

Picketing graduation ceremonies at University of California campuses is a tactic UC workers have used in...

UC Berkeley ends hunger strike over immigration

UC Berkeley ends hunger strike over immigration
With the blessings of ceremonial dancers, a group of UC Berkeley students ended a 10-day hunger strike...

Live Oak high school kids out of control

I have no idea what five students at Live Oak high school in Morgan Hill have in mind by way of career plans, but they should consider...
Chronicle 5.12.10 4:00 AM

Chafee Grant's broken promises

The California Chafee Grant program is a vital lifeline for foster children who are aging out of the system and want to pursue...
Chronicle 5.12.10 4:00 AM

E-mails show effort to keep Palin's fee secret

The amount of money Sarah Palin will collect to speak at a Cal State Stanislaus fundraiser in June should remain secret because...
Chronicle 5.12.10 4:00 AM

As schools cut back, S.F. steps up summer camps

Budget cuts mean summer school will be all but nonexistent in San Francisco this year, but rather than youths hanging out on the...
Chronicle 5.12.10 4:00 AM

S.F. teachers, district reach tentative deal

The San Francisco school board rescinded half of the 701 pink slips sent to teachers and administrators in March, vowing Tuesday night...
Chronicle 5.12.10 4:00 AM