Tuesday, May 4, 2010

This Week In Education

This Week In Education

Media: Me Vs. Megan Fox

ScreenHunter_08 May. 03 23.38Leave it to USA Today's Greg Toppo to pit my view of the world against that of "Transformers" starlet Megan Fox (pictured). She's against education funding cuts and participated in a video lambasting Governor Schwarzenegger for allowing cuts to be considered. I'm "for" them (in the sense that so far at least the pink slips and the media coverage are part of a

Contributors: Where's Thompson?

Jonsunglasses_cropSeveral of you have noted the absence of posts from contributor John Thompson, the Oklahoma City teacher who's written here and many other places on education issues. (Several others have noted that they prefer John's blog entries to mine). Not to worry. He's in DC at a Shanker Institute conference called "Education for Democracy: What Works in Preparing an Active and Well-Educated Citizenry," along with others like Sam Chaltain,