Friday, May 14, 2010

This Week In Education Thompson: Reform Advocates Mis-Stating The Record

This Week In Education

Thompson: Reform Advocates Mis-Stating The Record

ScreenHunter_28 May. 05 13.49The best practice from academia that I miss the most is the convention where a scholar summarizes his or her own thesis, what his evidence does and does not prove, and the positions of her opponents. Had The New Teacher Project obeyed such an ethic in "The Widget Effect," it would have not misstated the record of the AFT's peer review system... If the Education Trust was duty-bound to summarize its previous claims that "its being done," and that 15.6% of high-poverty schools are "high-fliers," when the better estimate is 1.1% of those schools, then readers would be better equipped to evaluate the Trust’s equally simplistic attacks on collective bargaining

Events: Fritz Has Bills, Hearings, Jobs, & More

image from ih.constantcontact.comFritz's table of contents -- lots of new and useful stuff there for the busy education professional (or whatever you call yourself): 8 New -- Legislative Activity: floor and committee action; bills and resolutions introduced 2 New -- Hearings, Meetings, Webinars, Etc: May 18, 19 4 New -- Other Information of Interest and Importance: School Choice book by Paul Hill; NCES report on school choice data; National Comprehensive Center on Teacher Quality; Dash+ voting; 3 New -- Newest Job Openings - Hamilton County Principal Leadership Academy; Public Education Network; Association of Independent Schools of Greater Washington; 25 Other Jobs Opportunities -- Previously Posted and Still Open 1 New -- Useful URLs for Grants, Policies and Programs -- i3 Registery information. Sign up here to join the list.

Quote: Journalism's Dirty Little Secret

Tumblr_l1pxlpWW2N1qa42jro1_500"The actual news of the day -- and especially in-depth reporting -- is often some of the least-read content in a paper." -- Village Voice blogger Foster Kamer