Thursday, May 6, 2010

This Week In Education AM News: Lower Anticipated Layoffs For Seattle Schools

This Week In Education

AM News: Lower Anticipated Layoffs For Seattle Schools

11111111111newsSeattle school layoffs much less than in '09 Pink slips will go to 25 teachers and 11 elementary-school counselors in Seattle schools this week... Georgia teachers' group to formally oppose state's Race to the Top application AJC: Georgia's second largest teachers' group said Wednesday it will send a letter to US Education Secretary Arne Duncan formally opposing... Conn. man sentenced for kidnapping teacher Boston Globe: A Connecticut handyman has been sentenced to 21 years in prison for kidnapping and assaulting a Stonington elementary school teacher in 2002, two days before she was found dead at home... Black students' field trip draws parents' anger in Michigan A school district in Michigan is defending its intentions after a field trip by African-American elementary students drew complaints from excluded ... Report lambastes leaders of Cesar Chavez charter schools Denver Post: A blistering, independent review of the Cesar Chavez charter school network says the school leaders squandered taxpayer money, ignored basic legal requirements and over-compensated senior staff... Conn. ACLU sues to stop graduations at church Boston Globe: The American Civil Liberties Union has filed a federal lawsuit seeking to stop two Connecticut high schools from holding their graduation ceremonies at a megachurch.