Friday, May 7, 2010

Schools Matter: New Cure for ADHD: Recess

Schools Matter: New Cure for ADHD: Recess

New Cure for ADHD: Recess

From HuffPo:
On April 15, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention held a media conference at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., to announce the release of a new report on school-based physical activity and its association with academic performance.
The report -- a review of 50 studies published in 43 articles -- reached a conclusion that is no great surprise to those of us who know kids well (I have five), and work to promote their health (both physical, and intellectual). Physical activity is good for body and brain, alike. As often seems to be the case, modern analytic methods and systematic review of evidence landed us right in the middle of Grandma's common sense counsel: sound mind, sound body.
The fundamental findings of CDC's 129-page report were that diverse interventions for kids of various ages produced a net improvement in academic performance more often than not. Over 50 percent of the studies analyzed improved some measure of cognition or academics. An additional