Thursday, May 20, 2010

Schools Matter: Arne Duncan's Race Problem

Schools Matter: Arne Duncan's Race Problem

Arne Duncan's Race Problem

Duncan seems to think that he has earned a pass on race issues because his mom tutored poor kids in Chicago. I applaud his mom, but this says nothing about Arne Duncan, whose record on race runs head on with his rhetoric. The larger part of Arne's race problem has to do with the resegregation that he embraces with the apartheid charters that he loves so much that bribing state legislatures to change their charter laws has become a major policy initiative.

The other glaring piece of Arne's hypocritical oath on race deals with teacher hiring, where practice is exactly opposite of the rhetoric he espouses, as Julie Woestehoff points out:
A recent report out of New Orleans claims that that Ed Secretary Arne Duncan wants more black