Monday, May 31, 2010

Sacto 9-1-1: Sacramento police union backs Hammond, Kennedy in local races

Sacto 9-1-1: Sacramento police union backs Hammond, Kennedy in local races

The Sacramento city police union has endorsed Councilwoman Lauren Hammond in her campaign for the state Assembly's District 9 seat.
In the race for Hammond's replacement in City Council District 5, the union is supporting Patrick Kennedy in the June election.
In a statement released today, Hammond said the police union support is "priceless."
"Government's first job is to protect our citizens," Hammond said. "In the state Assembly, we must be more creative in our efforts to balance our budgets in a way that doesn't hurt public safety and doesn't punish our dedicated law enforcement employees."
Hammond is running against fellow City Councilmember Kevin McCarty, county Supervisor Roger Dickinson and Chris Garland of the California Faculty Association.
In supporting Kennedy, the police union cited "his work in the neighborhoods and as a member of the (Sacramento City Unified) school board."
Kennedy said he would "continue to work closely with rank and file cops, just

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