Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sacramento high school hosts prom for special-needs guests - Sacramento Living - Sacramento Food and Wine, Home, Health | Sacramento Bee

Sacramento high school hosts prom for special-needs guests - Sacramento Living - Sacramento Food and Wine, Home, Health | Sacramento Bee

Sacramento high school hosts prom for special-needs guests

Published: Sunday, May. 16, 2010 - 12:00 am | Page 1A
Last Modified: Sunday, May. 16, 2010 - 12:17 am
Sheree Castellanos, who has Down syndrome, walked away from the white stretch limousine and into her dream. At 20, she was at the prom.
The first steps of this dance, the only one of its kind in the area, began on the red carpet at the Capital Christian Center High School on Friday night.
Castellanos gathered her pink and white taffeta dress and her pale pink purse, saw the flashing cameras and thought: "Is this really happening?"
Family, friends and supporters packed the bleachers outside the Sacramento school. They watched, cheered and cried as the 60 disabled teens and young adults made their way on the red carpet. Many brought cameras. Some passed around tissues.

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