Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Remarks by the First Lady at "Let's Move" South Lawn Kick-Off | The White House

Remarks by the First Lady at "Let's Move" South Lawn Kick-Off | The White House

Remarks by the First Lady at "Let's Move" South Lawn Kick-Off

4:10 P.M. EDT
MRS. OBAMA: Well, it’s good to see you all again! (Applause.) You are the first in this series. The first! Nobody has done this yet. You’re the very first.
But let me tell you a little bit more about why you’re here. As Shelly said, this is about your health. And we've spent a lot of time this year talking about eating right. And that started when we planted just behind you our garden in the White House. We call it the White House Kitchen Garden, and we planted that last year, and we worked with a lot of kids in the D.C. area. They helped us to plant and to harvest.
And the good thing about the kitchen garden is that it helped us start a conversation about eating right, because the kids got so excited about the garden, we figured that if we can get this group of kids excited about vegetables and gardening, that we might be able to take that nationwide.
So we started this campaign called “Let’s Move.” And the goal is to make sure that kids grow up healthy, eating well, and living better and longer, and that you learn skills that you can then teach your kids when you grow up.
And this is a nationwide campaign. I mean, we’ve got everyone in the country helping. We’ve got your parents