Sunday, May 30, 2010

Placing the Blame as Students Are Buried in Debt Education News - The New York Times

Education News - The New York Times

Placing the Blame as Students Are Buried in Debt

Is it really worth $100,000 in debt to graduate from a top school? And is it responsible?
Nitya Rajendran at the survivors breakfast at Trinity School in Manhattan. The event is a tradition for seniors who started at Trinity as kindergartners.

On Graduation Day, Seniors Take Time to Feel Like Kindergartners Again

At an annual breakfast for graduating seniors, students at Manhattan’s Trinity School gathered to reminisce with their first teachers.

New York State Votes to Expand Charter Schools

Officials hope the move will give the state a better chance of receiving $700 million in federal grant money.
From left, the author Hilaire Belloc is said to have failed to get into All Souls College. But fellows included Joseph Stiglitz, a Nobel Prize-winning economist, T. E. Lawrence (of Arabia) and Sir Christopher Wren.

Oxford Tradition Comes to This: ‘Death’ (Expound)

All Souls College is scrapping its one-word exam, on which applicants demonstrated their intellectual flexibility.

Towns Challenge New Jersey Voters’ Wishes

Going against election results, councils have adopted many defeated school budgets with few additional cuts.