Wednesday, May 26, 2010

N.J. school districts are given extra time to sign up for 'Race to the Top' grant | -

N.J. school districts are given extra time to sign up for 'Race to the Top' grant | -

N.J. school districts are given extra time to sign up for 'Race to the Top' grant

By Jeanette Rundquist/The Star-Ledger

May 25, 2010, 7:18PM

nj-school-funding-cuts.JPGNew Jesey is extending the deadline for school districts to appy for the $400 million education reform fund, 'Race to the Top'.
TRENTON — New Jersey’s second attempt to win up to $400 million for education reform through the federal Race to the Top competition will have the support of at least 290 school districts, but it remains unclear if the state’s largest teachers unions will sign on.

The state Department of Education released figures today showing 292 "local educational agencies," which include school districts and charter schools, endorsed the application for the competitive grant program, which provides money for innovative educational improvement. There are about 600 school districts statewide.

The state’s application includes a provision for teacher merit pay based on student achievement.

Last week, Deputy Education Commissioner Willa Spicer guaranteed a minimum of $100,000 to participating districts if the state’s grant application is accepted.

Districts were also given extra time to sign on. Officials were originally told signed memorandums of understanding were due today. The deadline was then extended until Wednesday, and then again, until Thursday. Applications must be submitted to the federal government by June 1.

"We are nowhere near our final number," education department spokesman Alan Guenther said. "We expect to continue to receive (memorandums) throughout the week."

The state’s first Race to the Top application, filed in January, included 378