Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Profit in charters? Yes

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Profit in charters? Yes

Profit in charters? Yes

"There's a very fine line between what all of us do, and fraud..."--Whitney Tilson, hedge-fund school reformer

Skeptical friends continue to ask me: "Is it really possible to make a profit operating a charter school(s)?" I remember the above-mentioned Tilson mocking anyone who suggested such a thing and edu-business experts like Mark Dean Millot saying that running schools, "is a very unprofitable business.: I've offered several explanations to my friends about why profits may be driving much of the charter school business.

Maybe Juan Gonzalez from Democracy Now, can convince them that there's gold in them charters.

AMY GOODMAN: Juan, before we move on to the Gulf, you have a very interesting column in the "New York Daily News" today, an exposé around big banks and charter schools.

JUAN GONZALEZ: Yes, Amy, one of the things I've been trying now for a couple of years is to try