Friday, May 7, 2010

Mavericks | Intercepts

Mavericks | Intercepts


Alexander Russo has an interview with Pennsylvania Teacher of the Year Michelle Switala and it’s well worth your time. Maybe it’s because I’m always dealing with union press statements and talking points, but I find teachers of the year to be refreshing, even if I don’t agree with them. There are exceptions, of course, but teachers of the year tend to be “off the reservation” when it comes to education issues.
I won’t attempt any amateur psychoanalysis to explain it, but national and state teachers of the year like Betsy Rogers, Nancy Flanagan, Beth Ekre, Jason Kamras, Michael Geisen, and many others have demonstrated they are not like their colleagues, and their differences extend beyond their teaching abilities.
Yesterday, six Indiana teachers were recognized for “outstanding service to Hoosier students” – an award