Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Jobs Petition

Jobs Petition

Jobs Petition

petition to congress
Keep Educators Working to Keep Kids Learning
The situation is critical:
• Hundreds of thousands of educators across the country are receiving pink slips, and it grows worse by the day.
• Teacher layoffs mean increased class sizes.
• Fewer school nurses, counselors and specialists mean less individualized attention for students.
• States continue to make dramatic budget decisions leading to cuts in programs such as art, music and physical education, even four-day school weeks.
Our children only get one shot at an education. It is not their fault they are in school during a devastating economic crisis. We cannot shortchange our students and jeopardize their ability to compete in the global economy.
The time to act is now!
I strongly urge passage of S. 3206, Keep Our Educators Working Act, to save hundreds of thousands of education jobs and provide our students with the best opportunity to learn and succeed.

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Jean Hobart, 54801