Friday, May 21, 2010

It’s “Happening”: another union ad about schools | GothamSchools

It’s “Happening”: another union ad about schools | GothamSchools

It’s “Happening”: another union ad about schools

Just in case there weren’t enough school-themed ads playing on your TV, the city’s teachers union is debuting one tomorrow.
Called “Happening,” it urges viewers to ignore that pro-charter school ad they likely sat through only seconds before and focus on the budget cut-induced chaos that will befall their local schools. Larger class sizes, no after school programs, and teacher layoffs form the three pillars of disaster, according to the ad.
Included in the ad is a TV spot being run by Education Reform Now — a coalition of pro-charter school groups who are simultaneously pushing a charter cap lift and an end to seniority based layoffs. The UFT’s own ad labels this group the “blame the teachers crowd” and taps into some anti-Wall Street sentiment by noting there are

For a 17-year-old cancer survivor, school became a sanctuary

Karina Melendez, 17, junior at Bronx High School for Law and FinanceKarina Melendez, 17, junior at Bronx High School for Law and Finance
This is the second in a series of profiles of college-bound student recipients of scholarships administered by New Visions for Public Schools.
Last month, the principal of the Bronx School of Law and Finance, Evan Schwartz, called junior Karina Melendez to his office, but he didn’t tell her why.
Schwartz had a happy surprise, something that Melendez had long stopped expecting. She had survived bone