Monday, May 24, 2010

Fla.'s Crist Endorsed by Union - Teacher Beat - Education Week

Fla.'s Crist Endorsed by Union - Teacher Beat - Education Week

Fla.'s Crist Endorsed by Union

Earlier this year, when Florida Gov. Bill Crist supported SB 6—which would have put all teachers on annual contracts and tied half of their pay and evaluations to student test scores—he was Public Enemy No. 1 for the Florida Education Association.
But, at the last moment, the then-Republican governor changed his mind and vetoed the bill. Public adulation by the FEA followed. And now Crist is reaping the FEA's support in the political arena: FEA took the unusual step of endorsing both Crist, now an independent, and a Democrat for a Senate race this fall at an AFL-CIO event.
It's hard to know exactly how this is going to affect the outcome of that race and whether appreciative teachers